Hartford Wolf Pack CT LotteryThe Hartford Wolf Pack are no more.

According to an article in the Hartford Courant, the team is NOT going to be the Connecticut Whalers, but will be called the Connecticut Whale. 

So now that the questions are through and reality is here, what are your thoughts?

Personally, we think it’s a mixed bag.

We think it’s MAGNIFICENT that Howard Baldwin is going to take over the running of the team. This means that a deep-pocketed controller will be in place that CARES about the team and making it work and is going to go all out to do it.

Conversely, the CONNECTICUT WHALE?

We don’t like it.

If you’re going to go to go “Back to the Future” then go back to the Whalers. This is like putting your toe in the water but not fully committing to it. Now there might be legal reasons or something else that we’re not aware of that required this move be done like this.

Here’s our logic.

A Whale is a slow moving, sea-mammal that isn’t as adept in water as a fish and can’t survive on the ground like other animals. It’s easily hunted and destroyed by it’s predators…man…and other than Moby Dick doesn’t exactly inspire much in the way of intimidation. At least a Whaler is a HUNTER…

But the bottom line is that it is what it is and I am 100% supportive of this move.

Howard Baldwin is a man with a DEEP passion for the sport of hockey and even more so for the city of Hartford. He has money and he has a motivation to see it succeed. The Rangers are committing to Howard and the city and this can be a magnificent move for all involved. It’s no secret that the AHL isn’t Howard’s goal. Howard Baldwin’s ultimate goal is to bring the “Hartford Whalers“ back to the NHL. Where the Rangers would play in all of that is anyone’s guess…but that’s a long way off.

For now…Let’s Go WHALE!!!

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By Mitch Beck

Mitch Beck was a standup comedian and radio personality for over 25 years. His passion for hockey started with Team USA in 1980 when they defeated the Soviets at Lake Placid. He is now working in the hockey industry full-time as a coach and administrator. Mitch has been reporting on the New York Rangers, and exclusively on the Hartford Wolf Pack / Connecticut Whale since 2005.


  1. “A Whale is a slow moving, sea-mammal that isn’t as adept in water as a fish and can’t survive on the ground like other animals. It’s easily hunted and destroyed by it’s predators…man…and other than Moby Dick doesn’t exactly inspire much in the way of intimidation”

    Well, if Wade Redden is to end up there… perhaps the name is kind of appropriate. 0:)

  2. Honestly I think they screwed up…by settling on “Connecticut Whale” you’ve alienated both dedicated Wolf Pack fans that could care less about the Whalers legacy (myself included) and the “Hartford Whalers” fans that yearn for and NHL team to call their own. What a horrible decision…

    I had resigned myself to the fact that the team was going to change names and was OK with “Connecticut Whalers” but when I think about chanting, “Let’s go Whale!” it doesn’t work for me.

  3. Craig,

    Truthfully, who really cares about the name? Is it REALLY that important? I care about the Rangers and the Rangers care about Hartford. I could totally care less what they name the team. I’m not thrilled with Whale, but really, who cares? If it brings more people into the building that’s the ultimate goal and if the team under the sweaters are Ranger’s property that’s the bottom line for me.

  4. Mitch,

    After giving it some thought, I agree with you about the name not mattering that much. I hope the on-ice product is as good as the new marketing department.

    I am looking forward to the season and hope the new enthusiasm brings out all of the fans.

  5. Craig…

    I appreciate the positive attitude and I’m sure the team will as well. These kids are breaking their asses for the fans and deserve the support.

    Realy, what’s in the name as long as the heart is the same…besides, if having it called the Whale brings lots more people in the building, it will be more fun to watch because there will be more energy for the players to feed off of and it will jsut make the hockey that much better.

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