wolfpack logo The Hartford Wolf Pack today added another rugged defenseman to the blueline for next season. The team announced that they have signed 6’0, 197 pound Cochrane, Alberta Canada native Trevor Glass. Glass won the Memorial Cup in the junior ranks in 2007-2008 as a member of the Medicine Hat Tigers. He also helped the Tigers capture a WHL championship, and advance as far as the championship game of the Memorial Cup, in 2006-07, teaming with current Wolf Pack defenseman Michael Sauer on the Medicine Hat blueline corps.

Our colleague, Jess Rubenstein of The Prospect Park says of Glass, "What Hartford fans will like about
Trevor is that he comes to work every night, never afraid to give or receive a
hit if it means he can make a play. Really good player to have on a team as he
can be used in a variety of ways and give you a strong performance.

Five of his six goals last season were on the power play but his defense is mainly the strongest part of his game. Smart defender who does not get caught out of position.

Concern will be can he stay healthy as he has missed games for various reasons in his junior career."

Here's one of the hardest hits you'll ever see!!! —–>;

By Mitch Beck

Mitch Beck was a standup comedian and radio personality for over 25 years. His passion for hockey started with Team USA in 1980 when they defeated the Soviets at Lake Placid. He is now working in the hockey industry full-time as a coach and administrator. Mitch has been reporting on the New York Rangers, and exclusively on the Hartford Wolf Pack / Connecticut Whale since 2005.


  1. Glass is a great guy with an effective hockey head on his shoulders. He really does do whatever it takes to slow the game down, speed it up, provide encouragement on and off the ice, along with great D where it’s needed… I was so hoping that someone would snatch him up after this season ended and I’m glad to see this signing. He was one of my favourite players to watch over the past 2 seasons here in Spokane and I can’t wait to see what his future holds. Whereas I might “girl out” sometimes over his playing, it really was an honour and pleasure to watch him play. I’m sure I’ll be dropping by often to see how things are going.

  2. Have you listened to the interview? Did you hear who he proudly patterns his game after?
    Nevertheless, he sounds like a good kid and I wish him luck.

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