Given the bizarre things that have happened to us in the last 24 hours it’s appropriate that we would be invited to be on a radio show called The Ranger Crisis Radio Program. We’ll be appearing live on the air tonight October 21st starting at 10pm. You can feel free to call in with your questions or observations on everything except my karaoke singing of “Glory Days” at the Pack FUN-raiser last night. The number to call is 347-857-2090

Speaking of my horrible singing, I do have to send out props to the Pack rookies, Chad Johnson, Ryan Hillier and Paul Crowder who did there best not to shatter glass while performing the Backstreet Boys song, “I Want It That Way.” They actually sounded okay and were good sports about it.

Dale Weise led a group of the boys while P.A. Parenteau had a few others who got up to sing some song that because I’m older than dirt, I never heard before. Goaltender Matt Zaba was on stage and looked liked he would rather be getting abducted by Islander fans… I mean aliens… than be on that stage. He did man-up and even gave a couple of brief solos.

What I put out there for you guys. I’m risking life and limb to get you people all the news you need given that today is my eighth wedding anniversary to the Mrs. Howlings, the mother of my two sons, Older Boy and Younger Boy Howlings.

So since I’m likely to have my life snuffed out after this one, we can only hope that many of you will join in the conversation with some good questions and of course some excellent recommendations for handling a sore back from sofa sleeping.

We will also have a big announcement to make in the broadcast so come and listen in…

By Mitch Beck

Mitch Beck was a standup comedian and radio personality for over 25 years. His passion for hockey started with Team USA in 1980 when they defeated the Soviets at Lake Placid. He is now working in the hockey industry full-time as a coach and administrator. Mitch has been reporting on the New York Rangers, and exclusively on the Hartford Wolf Pack / Connecticut Whale since 2005.

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