Well, what can I say?

We’re writing with a mixed bag of feelings. The source that gave us the new logo information the Connecticut Whalers were planning on using, who has been  pretty reliable for us in the past looks like they have sent us something wrong. Whether it was on purpose or not, we don’t know.

We have heard from two people now with more information who say we have it wrong.

We are going to verify one way or the other on Tuesday. If it turns out that we are wrong, for the lack of a better phrase, “that would suck.”

Since starting this newsblog on the Wolf Pack almost five years ago we’ve never given out a shred of information in the past that proved to be wrong. We guess this probably would just make us human… Our standards are, to make NO mistakes. If as a loyal reader you’re angry or disappointed, we totally understand. You can only imagine how upset and embarrassed we are.

On the plus side, we got 1,201 unique visitors yeasterday. 1,201 unique visits in one day is almost double the most visits we’ve ever had for a single day on the site since making the move to WordPress. We did have a couple of bigger days than that on TypePad in the old days, but this was pretty big for us which makes being wrong that much worse.

But for WhalersSports, they have to be happy about this kind of information. People are REALLY interested in this!

It’s also interesting that in our poll the results were overwhelmingly positive for this particular logo design. One of my sources told me the one they saw was MUCH better, so we all have that to look forward to.

Also as a positive, the level of interest also means some good things for the Baldwin group going forward so that’s encouraging.

So we’ll take this learning experience and check a much more closely on things like this going forward. You can rest assured this source won’t be used again.

By Mitch Beck

Mitch Beck was a standup comedian and radio personality for over 25 years. His passion for hockey started with Team USA in 1980 when they defeated the Soviets at Lake Placid. He is now working in the hockey industry full-time as a coach and administrator. Mitch has been reporting on the New York Rangers, and exclusively on the Hartford Wolf Pack / Connecticut Whale since 2005.

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