Ww have been getting quizzed almost non-stop about the switch from the Hartford Wolf Pack to the Connecticut Whale and how that will affect Howlings. The number one question is, “Will we be changing the name from Howlings…”

Let’s answer that one… NO…

We’ve worked VERY hard to build up a substancial following on this site. If we change the name then we have to change the web address which means completely starting all over again. All of the links that people have made to Howlings wouldn’t work…

It would also be an enormous pain-in-the-ass.

I mean we could just redirect Howlings to something else, but then we’d have to maintain two web addresses ad nauseum for no real reason.

For us we also think it’s a way of keeping the past Wolf Pack in place while at the same time moving forward. We can also justify it as instead of Sonar’s Howling, it can represent ours…pretty nifty line of BS, no?

However, we have been and forever shall be cognisent of the wishes of our readers. If fans think that we should rename it let’s do a poll and see.

Also, if you vote “Yes,” then PLEASE, suggest a name in the comments section.

If you vote, “No” and you’re the creative type and can make us a pretty cool logo with some animation in it, then let’s see what you have. Email it to mitch@howlings.net. We’ll post them all and let you folks decide.

I kind of wanted to make one where Sonar comes up, morphs into the whale logo and then the Whalse Swims out of the picture or something like that leaving the name HOWLINGS on the top banner. But given that all I have are ideas and no skill in doing it, that’s all it is…

[polldaddy poll=3916158]


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