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We have been going insane trying to figure out why the hits to this site were so dramatically down. It seemed almost since the name change from the Hartford Wolf Pack to the Connecticut Whale hits to this site were down something on the order of 50% or more.

We were beginning to take it personally.

But lo and behold that wasn’t the case. We were getting emails from readers over the last couple of weeks that were asking me why they were having trouble getting on to the site.  We weren’t having ANY trouble getting on the site or posting so we essentially just ignored it as something “internet-y” and assumed it would somehow fix itself.

But frankly since we know about as little about this “programming” and internet-stuff stuff as Congress does about fixing the economy,  we were sure we were screwed and the site would sink off into oblivion…sort of like our collective incomes. It was looking like a major boondoggle.

But we were determined to figure this out.

Last night, we spent a lot of time reading all sorts of WordPress training guides and all kinds of forums and internet problem solvers and such and eventually we were able to figure it out. After a few hours of trial and error we actually stumbled upon what was wrong and hold onto your hats…actually fixed it. It was quite complicated and had to do with DNS servers and nameservers and direction pointing and all kinds of other crap that we still don’t understand.

So the bottom line is that the site should be back up to snuff. Nobody should be blocked or have a problem getting on here.

Hopefully you will spread the word and tell your friends, the ones that thought that maybe the site had died, that everything here is working again; that we didn’t go away; and we’re still working as hard as ever to bring you the most amount of available information on the teams you’re all interested in.

We really want to be able to do more but need your help. We want to know what features or things you would like to see on the site or even see more of. Please, make your voice heard…we want to hear from as many of you as possible as to ways that we can improve the site and make it even more to your liking.

As always, thanks…


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  1. Osminator

    Hey Mitch,
    I nearly gave up, couldn’t access Howlings forever… Good job fixing it!
    Big up from Austria!

    1. Mitch Beck

      Thanks Mate… It was a ton of work that’s for sure…Glad you hung in there.

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