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12angryWho knew when the Rangers traded for and signed Chris Higgins that the Long Island native also had a sense of humor…afterall he is from Long Island and there’s only one big joke out there… I’m just kidding…It’s what I do…I’m a kidder.

In any event, we were approached and asked if we could let people know about a comedy show at a terrific little comedy club that we played at years ago called Comix.

Here’s the info in case you’re curious.

The Show is called 12 Angry Mascots…

Thursday, July 30th @ 7:30 PM

All-original sports-themed stand-up and sketch comedy hosted by Scott Rogowsky and Neil Janowitz.
**Celebrity Athlete guest this month: New York Rangers forward Chris Higgins!***
Opening: The Raspberry Brothers (Snakes on a Plane)
Featuring comedians Matt Goldich (Best Week Ever, Stump the Schwab) and Dan Allen (Comedy Central's Premium Blend)
12 ANGRY MASCOTS is the Tri-County Area's only variety/talk show devoted to that touchstone of all humankind endeavors: sports. Scott Rogowsky (The Onion) and Neil Janowitz (ESPN) welcome the Eastern Seaboard's finest sketch actors and comedians to mock the jocks and spoof the sports scene in a grand slam-packed show that culminates with a celebrity guest athlete interview. This show features live Wimbledon updates, NBA Draft coverage, sexy sports babe Jenn Sterger, and one pissed off Boston fan. These mascots aren't angry for nothing.


Click here to purchase tickets: Comix-NY

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1 Comment

  1. Joanne

    Long Island has a stong hockey community. We Ranger fans have been at odds with Islander fans for over 30 years. We’ve lived the highs, and the lows and never stopped supporting our team. We’ve been here before they existed, before the current players were born. Our Grandfathers were Ranger fans. Long Island is a really big place. The Tri-State area has 3 NHL teams. Every fan supports the affiliate teams. Hartford is a nice city. More people should take a ride up there for a game. More people should come to the Island. The Colisseum is in bad shape but the Ranger fans are still strong here. Catch a Philly game, you’ll never forget it.

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