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Bruce Berlet updated Howlings on the status of the Pack’s
injured players. Berlet said that Dane Byers is scheduled to have his knee
surgery shortly and that both Jordan Owens (abdominal injury) and Brian Fahey
(concussion) don’t have a return date as of yet.

On the good news front, Michael Sauer has continued to improve from his knee surgery from last season and that a
return to the ice could be coming very soon.

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  1. Brenda

    Just curious–
    Do you happen to know why P.A. Parenteau received a 10 minute misconduct against Worcester on 10/31/08?
    I haven’t seen anything mentioned in any write-ups.

  2. Mitch Beck

    He yapped off at the ref near the end of the game after all the non-calls on Worcester

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