Several people have been sending me emails today and asking questions about the Defensemen situation in Hartford. As of right now, I don't have an answer because to be truthful, there is only one real true HOLY day in the HOWLINGS Universe and that day would be today. December 5th happens to be my 47th birthday. With my interests in gourmet cooking, apart from my love for hockey, my second greatest passion, I have prepared some fine delicacies to share with a small gathering of friends, especially since we really don't have enough friends to call a large gathering together, but all kidding aside we're gathering to mark this the holiest of days.
We will try and get a look at the archive of the game from AHL Live, if they don't cancel broadcasting this game like they did the last one against Bridgeport and then put up our thoughts afterwards.
In the meantime, enjoy your evening and Bon Appetite.
Comments (2)
LI Joesays:
December 5, 2008 at 6:47 PMHappy Birthday MITCH
December 5, 2008 at 7:58 PMhappy birthday, man. enjoy your day.