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sean-avery-art3 There is talk all over the net that the super-pest could be headed to Hartford in the first of a three step process in bringing the world’s least classy hockey player back into the fold. Larry Brooks’ column in the New York Post indicates that this move could very well be imminent.

Personally, the very limited experience that we've had with Elisha Cuthbert’s ex-boyfriend hasn’t exactly been heartwarming and it's only memorable in the negativity associated with it. Add to that, his completely disgraceful and reprehensible treatment of one of the classiest and most talented of all of MSG’s broadcasters, John Giannone, is enough for us to say, “Thanks; but no thanks.” There are plenty of other options out there that can bring to the Rangers organization the same spark plug that wouldn’t include the soap opera drama that Avery does. Here’s a suggestion off the top of our head, how about Ottawa’s Chris Neil?

But, in the manner of open-mindedness there are others who think he is worth the gamble. Based upon what he's written, Brooks is among them. So for their sakes, here’s the only way we would make this move. If by trading for Avery with Dallas the Rangers were able to unload themselves of Wade Redden’s albatross of a contract and take Avery and just leave him in Hartford where he doesn’t cost against the cap and then work at finding a suitor willing to take him on re-entry waivers themselves so his cost to the organization is minimal then they’ve made some significant cap room that they could use to go after someone that could actually help this team win in the long run and the trade is worth doing. 

For those Avery-aholics out there, look at the big picture. Sure, the team does have a winning record in the regular season with Avery in the lineup, but a) that was a different team with real “scorers” on it, and b) apart from making a fool of himself by annoying Martin Brodeur that initiated the institution of the “Avery Rule” he’s been a total non-factor in the playoffs.

Other than that, there’s no reason in our opinion to bring him back here. “The Sean Avery Show” was like a lot of other “reality” shows on television. They’re fun to watch the first time around when you don’t know what’s going to happen next, but the same show is unwatchable in repeats because there’s no surprises or point in wasting any time with them because you know how it’s all going to turn out. Hopefully Cablevision, the Ranger’s corporate owners, know enough about that analogy not to go down that road.

Besides, a zebra, even if it’s been in intense therapy, doesn’t change it’s stripes.

In case you needed a reminder…

(Sean Avery photo courtesy of

Mitch Beck

Mitch Beck was a standup comedian and radio personality for over 25 years. His passion for hockey started with Team USA in 1980 when they defeated the Soviets at Lake Placid. He has also worked in hockey as a coach and administrator. He also works for USA Hockey as a Coach Developer. Mitch has been reporting on the New York Rangers, and exclusively on the Hartford Wolf Pack since 2005.

Comments (14)

  • Craigsays:

    February 6, 2009 at 2:44 PM

    Do you think that if Avery comes to Hartford it will do anything to the abysmal Wolf Pack attendance?
    Do you think he would be a factor at all with the Pack making the playoffs?
    Would the Pack cut someone or demote them to the ECHL to make room for Avery?
    I do have one other comment to make –
    I think Sugden has been a huge let down. I think Francis Lessard, Martin Grenier, and even Trevor Gillies made more of an impact and were way better in their “role” than Sugden.
    I wanted to also say thanks for the great work with the blog. I am an avid reader and WP season ticket holder.

  • Mitch Becksays:

    February 6, 2009 at 2:57 PM

    Boy Craig, for a first timer you sure do ask a lot of questions… 🙂
    Do I think it will make a difference? Yes. He will be a draw from the curious for a little while. Do I think it will take them from their current average of about 3,900 to over 5,000, no way. He will bring in some but not so many as to make that significant a difference. I think it would be fair to compare him to the affect that Claude Lemieux had earlier this season playing in Worcester. There was a small impact at first I’m sure, but after the novelty wore off their normal attendance numbers I’m betting returned. My best guess is that here the same thing would likely be the case. The first few games would see an increase, but after that it would probably die down again. Also, remember he’d only be in Hartford for a few weeks, unless of course he reverts to being a major distraction in the locker room (what I’m betting would be the case) which would mean he’ll be gone just as fast.
    Would the Pack cut someone to make room for Avery? My guess is someone like Matt Stefanishion or Matthew Ford might be a temporary casualty and be sent back to Charlotte till Avery leaves.
    As for Sugden, I don’t think he’s been a disappointment. Remember the guys you mentioned are all younger than he is and are also better hockey players. He is what he is. He’s there to protect the boys and his reputation alone has kept some people from doing anything and so on that note he’s been fine. He’s not a good hockey player though but the Pack were out of options and they did what they could do. Would you have Dale Purinton come back? I wouldn’t and Dale is one of the nicest hockey players I’ve ever spoken with.
    Lastly, thank you first for supporting the Pack with your hard earned cash and secondly for the kind words and your support.

  • Pavelsays:

    February 6, 2009 at 3:12 PM

    The fact of the matter is that the Rangers are going NO WHERE with this coaching staff. They will be another first round exit (if they even make it to the post season) with busts like Drury and Redden on the books. We might as well pick up Avery for entertainment value alone.

  • Mitch Becksays:

    February 6, 2009 at 3:20 PM

    The coaching staff has done their share of things wrong, but this isn’t on them. Other than Marc Staal and Henrik Lundqvist name me ONE player who’s an “A” level NHL’er? You want to make a case for Nik Zherdev? What’s he done so far? How many games has it been since he scored? Oh, sure there are some players getting paid like A level top tier players, do I really need to list them? But none of them are on that level. There’s not a single “A” list scorer on the squad and the rest are nice pieces of a puzzle but not primary guys that’s why this team is so lifeless and dull. Avery doesn’t change that. He’s a buffoon and adding him does nothing but tie the Rangers hands further with the cap. It’s as simple as that.

  • Larouche10says:

    February 6, 2009 at 3:45 PM

    Hey Mitch, Great job w/ the blog.
    Usually I’m content to just be an anonymous lurker but I felt compelled to put my two cents in.
    Giannone has to be the worst announcer/commentator MSG has had in a long time. That’s really saying something too. He’s boring, monotone, and either lacks hockey knowledge or is plain clueless.
    He didn’t deserve the treatment he got from Avery.

  • Mitch Becksays:

    February 6, 2009 at 3:55 PM

    We’ll have to agree to disagree about John’s on-air style and talent. Everyone has their own tastes and I think he’s VERY talented. The job he does is NOT an easy one to do and to do as well as he does it. I was on the air myself for over 20 years and I am speaking from experience…it’s not easy and John, again in my opinion, is VERY solid.
    The one thing we can agree on is that Avery was WAY out of line. I’m not sure where you stand on it, but I am against Avery and the circus that follows him returning to the Rangers. Right now, a media circus is the last thing this team needs. The spark he could potentially make on the ice in my opinion isn’t worth the discord and issues he could create in the room. As I stated in the piece, there are ample players out there that can do what he does and can come FAR cheaper. If they get Avery, you can pretty much forget about getting anyone at the trade deadline. He is NOT enough to make this team a contender…at this point Wayne Gretzky at the height of his skills, might not be enough. It’s just a bad mix all the way around…under-performing, overly conservative coach trying to make do with what he has.
    Thanks for the support and kind words.

  • Jeremysays:

    February 6, 2009 at 10:23 PM

    As a side note, Giannone just did a piece on Avery in the intermission of the Dallas game, very well done by Giannone, you’d never have guessed his personal opinion.
    Classy John.

  • MikeAsays:

    February 7, 2009 at 10:23 AM

    Hey Mitch, Mike here again.
    I’ve been following the Pack via score sheets at for every game. My question to you today is about Michael Sauer. Can you evaluate his play so far and is it time to give him a crack in NY?
    He’s been a plus almost every game and is on pace to top his scoring numbers from last season. I’m aware of his injury problems and how he’s only been back for a few months, but is there hope for this prospect to become the Brooks Orpik of the Rangers?
    P.S. -I’ve been meaning to get to a Pack game this season, Hartford’s a far drive for me. I’m going to try and see them play the Sound Tigers in Bridgeport in March like I did last season when it was Sauer coincidentally who scored the Game Winning Goal.

  • Mitch Becksays:

    February 7, 2009 at 11:51 AM

    Michael Sauer is a good young player. As you said, he’s coming back from VERY serious knee surgery. AS far as this year is concerned there is virtually no chance whatsoever that he gets a game in NY. he’s still, in my opinion, another year from being taken seriously as a contender for NY. Remember, he’s playing third pair here in Hartford. he’s not on the ice for most critical situations as Sanguinetti and Potter have been. That’s the reason that their plus/minus has hurt and players like Urquhart and Sauer, who play together are pluses. I’ll tell you this though, Urquhart has impressed me as a player to keep an eye on. He’s made a lot of rookie mistakes, but they’re coming less and less frequently. He can really move with the puck and he has a VERY strong shot from the point. Sauer is a solid defensive defenseman but I don’t see him as a Brooks Orpik player. If anything he’s more like a Dan Girardi. To put it in legal terms, the trial is still going on. We haven’t even gotten to closing arguments yet. Let’s see how he looks in March and if this team makes the playoffs he he fares there.
    By the way. Should anyone wish to come to see Hartford play Manchester at the XL Center on Friday night the 27th, there are eight (8) tickets left for a group package that I arranged for my son’s school that you could buy if you like. The tickets are $15 each and include the ticket a drink and either a hot dog or pizza slice. Please let me know ASAP.

  • MikeAsays:

    February 7, 2009 at 2:22 PM

    As always, thanks for the update Mitch.
    I didn’t know he was third pair. I remember him from the 07 preseason and only saw him play once against the Sound Tigers; looked very good but he seems to have horrible luck with injuries (shoulder, concussion, keen, etc.)
    Friday games in HFD are sooooooo tough to do. The earliest they let me out of work is 5:10 which means if I hit ANY traffic on my way to HFD which takes 1 hour 45 min with a clean drive, I’m toast.

  • Jenn Xsays:

    February 7, 2009 at 4:43 PM

    Why do you dislike Avery so much?
    While he is a pain in the ass and not always likable, he was a important part of the Rangers. Who cares if he says things to get a rise out of people – freedom of speech!
    I think he will bring a lot of excitement to Hartford and fill those seats. Then hopefully when he goes back to the City, he will get the Blueshirts back on track.
    I hate to say it, but this is a good thing.
    I also think it will help some of the guys in Hartford, who also may get a chance to get moved up.
    Great job on Howlings.

  • Mitch Becksays:

    February 7, 2009 at 6:00 PM

    First as I’ve mentioned to others, thanks for the kind words. In these tough economic times, and given that I essentially do this at my own expense, every kind word helps.
    As far as my personal experience is concerned with Mr. Warmth, let’s just come to an understanding that I’d really prefer to keep that private. We could just say that he’s not a nice person and leave it at that.
    As to the reason he’s a pain in the rear, that’s up to him and his shrink. I’m neither and not qualified to make that assessment. When he wins least liked player in the league virtually every season since he’s been in the league, that has to tell you something, no?
    Regarding getting a rise out of people; I don’t care to some extent what he’s doing on the ice. That’s for Gary Bettman and the management of the team he plays for to deal with. Personally, I think he’s an embarrassment to the game. You also have to remember, that I don’t like fighting in hockey either. I think that fighting is degrading to the human spirit and has nothing to do to benefit the game. If the referees did their job appropriately there wouldn’t be a need for it. That’s why it doesn’t happen in the Olympics, Europe or even in the NHL playoffs. When it comes to Sean Avery thought, I just think he’s a classless thug that if he weren’t in the NHL and had all the money that he has he’d have probably been arrested by now for some sort of felony and then been surprised that people thought that what he did was wrong.
    As far as helping the Wolf Pack is concerned, it’s all going to depend upon the attitude that he’d come with. If he’s going to have an “I’m-Better-Than-You” attitude and not help the guys and stay just focused on himself and showboating etc, then he’s not going to be a help. He’s going to be a distraction. When on any given night in Hartford press row is only a couple of guys and Kenny G only needs to answer questions for a couple of us, and now you’ve got everyone short of Joe The Plumber there in the lockers, I think it’s going to be a circus. The Pack are hanging together by the skin of their teeth (or lack thereof in a couple of cases) they don’t need the distractions.
    As far as tickets are concerned, he’ll see a few more for a week or two, but how many more seats to you think he’s going to fill? Do you think Hartford is going from an average of 3,900 to suddenly 5,500? I don’t. I think the first game he’d put MAYBE 500 more people in the place and after that it would taper back down.
    Lastly, while its admirable that Glen Sather is looking at giving him another chance, the New York Rangers, a team struggling to hold itself together, and in the salary cap mess that they’re in, is NOT a halfway house for fallen players. This team has so many reclamation projects right now that Tom Renney’s role must be primarily as team psychologist and the way that they’ve played of late he’s not doing real well at that either. Nobody has been a bigger supporter than I’ve been of the Rangers head coach, but even I’m at the point where perhaps a change in style and management MIGHT benefit the team. My choice should they fire Tom Renney would be John Tortorella.
    In any event there are a bunch of thoughts… I hope I’ve answered your questions… Thanks for writing in…

  • Pavelsays:

    February 8, 2009 at 8:36 PM

    I agree about the lack of “A” list or real NHL-quality players (except as you said, Staalsy and Hank), but I’d just like Avery for the entertainment value.. and if we get him on re-entry waivers for 1.9m, why not?
    Sather has ruined this team with the cap in place.. there are 9 players signed through next season at $40m/%56.7m and the cap will not go up next year.

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