BY: Jordan Kuhn, Greenville Swamp Rabbits
GREENVILLE, S.C. — The Greenville Swamp Rabbits, led by head coach Andrew Lord, have presented Qualifying Offers to seven players. The list of players includes the following:
Tendering qualifying offers allows teams to protect player assets who have not been signed to a contract, as there is no draft process in the ECHL.
“I am very pleased with where we are at with some good re-signings but also plenty of space to make great additions to our lineup this offseason,” Lord said. “It was a very busy last seven days or so working through the 20-man season-ending roster. A lot of video was studied along with reference checks on players, and calls were made with both players and agents.”
Of the seven qualifying offers, six suited up for the Swamp Rabbits during the 2019–20 season, including Howe, El-Mir, Larkin, Black, Lodge, and Hawkey. Weninger accepted a contract offer overseas shortly following his acquisition by Greenville.
“We have eight offers at our disposal, and because we had space, we had the luxury of using four of our offers on players that we are unsure about their futures,” Lord added. “We have qualified them with the hope of retaining their rights if they decide to come back to the ECHL this upcoming season.”
Players who had already signed a contract by June 30 did not need to receive a qualifying offer.
“I am happy with the work accomplished in a very short timeframe and where we are at now as a team. We are in the perfect position to look at the open market and sell players on the great ownership group, city, facilities, fans, and everything Greenville has to offer. I could not be more excited,” said Lord.
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Check out the brand-new “Greenville Strong” and “Our State” t-shirts, with proceeds going to the ECHL’s COVID-19 Relief Fund, or the GGHA, depending on the shirt design. Head to the Hop Shop online today and give ’em a look.