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2349503610_4631085f0eNewly signed Pack defenseman Dave Urquhart took a few minutes from his hectic schedule to check in with Howlings to talk about his recent signing with the Rangers top development team.

“It is an exciting time for me right now. After graduating from school, I knew I wanted to play professional hockey but did not know if I would have the opportunity.” He said.

In fact the young blueliner was making contingency plans should an opportunity not open up for him. “Until a few weeks ago, I was planning on returning to McGill for law school and playing university hockey for my last year of eligibility.” Urquhart replied.

He’s very focused on what lies ahead for him. “I have been training hard all summer but I realize that the real work begins now to prepare for the season.”

The number one question regarding the 6’0 195-pounder from Pack / Ranger fans is his game. “I am a hard skating, puck moving defenseman. I like to throw the body around when the time is right and I’m always striving to improve on my weaknesses and look forward to the challenge of playing in the AHL.”

Expect to see Dave Urquhart patrolling the XL Center blueline when the season starts in October.

(David Urquhart photo courtesy of

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